link to mckinsey opiod settlement https://www.fiercepharma.com/pharma/mckinsey-agrees-650m-settlement-over-opioid-consulting-purdue-pharma

mckinsey also directed the plandemic response in france and is up to its eyeballs in corruption there. they call it "mckinseygate" https://www.europereloaded.com/mckinseygate-frances-shadow-government-and-the-rise-of-the-corporate-state/

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They were also involved in the data collection that came along with Common (Commie) Core education standards.

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so evil!

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Thanks I saw that it had dropped off so I also added the link and pinned to the top of Comments. I also updated the Substack but updates are not visible if updated after it was published.

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There’s literally 100’s of thousands that need to be sent to prison or hung stripped of all wealth and family possessions

But, we all know nothing will happen as only little people got to prison.

And like you’ve said many times Karen 95% of the 3 letter agencies need to be shut down and many need to go to Gitmo

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