That ‘community census’ is way too intrusive. Scary the amount of information they want.

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Just be careful with Agent 131711's hyperbolic, scaremongering takes on vitamins and health supplements.

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Wow! Unexpected reply… Why so defensive? I wasn’t criticizing you, my attempt was to alert you and your readers to the fact that someone you reposted had shared absolute scaremongering nonsense. Good to know however, that you do not vet anyone you repost. I guess that isn’t for me. I’ll move on.

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Karen, I generally like and appreciate your posts, BUT, this article: "Natural Vitamin SCAM: Eating Byproduct Industrial Waste - It's "Organic"!" Included in your last post, is pure nonsense. What this guy is saying about Vitamin D, this "Agent-number guy", is akin to saying, "Chocolate is poison because it can kill dogs and cats, oh and also rats".

Vitamin D is not rat poison.

That's horrid misinformation. It's also like the nonsense we all heard about Ivermectin being "Horse Paste". I just thought you should know that some of the Substacks you're including, or linking to in your posts, other people's Substacks, are sometimes questionable. This one most certainly is.

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I have very little confidence the US Congress would/will ever repeal the "body of law" that has legalized the syn/bio warfare = vaxx murder.

I spoke recently with my local Judge. His position: I just have to follow the law. Our most practicable potential remediation of this quandary is solidly Nullification, imo.

What happens to 2775 from Summer Study?

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You always have great info…thx🙂

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